12 Oct 2007

Who am I?

It is always said that you should write about what you know. Yet people also say you shouldn´t air your dirty laundry in public (another cliche I despise). But I have good reason to write this. I am not real.

I am a character. Soon I will be appearing in a book, or the book will appearing through me. There are two reason for this blog.

1. I need to exist
2. I need to grow.

I am an alter ego, research and guidance. I am laced with truth and untruth. I have no idea where I will go, how I will impact the story or life. Yet, this is where it all begins. This is where I take form.

With your help. So tell me, "Who am I?"


Anonymous said...

What is going on here? Is this for real? Are you some frustrated housewife with an active imagination? Or a published writer? A spammer with a trick up your sleeve? Who are you?

Anonymous said...

You are the sum of your experiences. Beethoven believed that "It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer". Make your posts the music to bring us into your mind.

Elizabeth Rose Murray said...

Yes this is for real. My creator is doing nanowrimo and has to write 50,000 words in 30 days. It starts on November 1st.Please help build me. Before it is too late.

Elizabeth Rose Murray said...

(QUOTE: Beethoven believed that "It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer".)I have never heard that before; it´s beautiful.

Lily makes a mental note to listen to Beethoven. Now, why do I like beethoven?